10 Best practices for IT professionals.

Bunny Denol
2 min readDec 8, 2021


IT professionals looking for IT jobs in Sri Lanka or anywhere else must be equipped with a sound knowledge of the latest standards and best practices exercised in the sector. Not observing these best practices can result in dire results for several stakeholders of the organization.

Below are a few of the more known best practices in the IT trade.

● Respect and practice the security measures of the firm

Almost all IT firms have a book of regulations that discusses the specific security measures they have implemented. As an employee, having a dependable understanding of these measures can help employees blend in with the existing culture and the processes in the company seamlessly.

● Understand the business goals of the organization

As most IT jobs have technical responsibilities and do not require detailed knowledge of the business-focused segments of a company, employees may feel less involved or disintegrated from the company’s objectives and targets. Observing and gaining more insights beyond the scope of work assigned would assist IT employees deliver better outcomes driven by those objectives.

● Comply with the deadlines

The ability to work with tight deadlines is a criterion that the majority of the IT jobs in Sri Lanka have in their adverts. Ensuring that the projects meet deadlines is paramount to the success of almost all businesses.

● Update anti-virus software

IT employees must constantly ensure their software and especially antivirus devices, is updated.

● Learn the basics of computer security

Even if not a cyber security professional, it is imperative for IT employees to hold a fundamental knowledge of computer security.

● Design and develop solutions for clients observing the regulations they are governed by

Understanding various standards observed in countries that the customers are from enables developers to make precise solutions.

● Secure your area before you vacate the premises

IT employees must ensure their workplace is secured, and outsiders can not access devices or whatever may be of use.

● Refrain from leaving devices unattended

Make sure office devices and personal devices that may have information about clients or the organization of employment are secure when you are in the office or out of the office.

● If you are working remotely, maintain confidentiality

With remote working gaining traction, employees must secure company data and devices, if in possession, guaranteeing security is sustained.

● Use passwords that are complex and difficult to decode

The simplest way to secure confidentiality is using passwords, which are hard to crack.

A comprehensive acquaintance and a familiarity with the best practices will enable candidates looking for IT job opportunities in Sri Lanka to gain an advantage when applying to organizations too.



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