Land your dream job in IT: Certifications vs experience.

Bunny Denol
2 min readAug 12, 2022


Trying to land the perfect IT job in the current industry can be challenging. While there are so many IT job opportunities, a job that satisfies most of our requirements is rare. The next problem when landing that perfect job is ensuring that you are a great match for the job description. Most candidates have found themselves in a pickle in the past due to not having the relevant academic qualifications that the company is requesting. However, today, most companies are pasting less and less attention to academic qualifications. But then what are they looking for? While some are seeking a combination of certificates and experience, a few companies have given prominence to candidates with experience even if they have no degrees.

The trending practice is not only present in developed and modern countries, since some organisations providing IT jobs in Sri Lanka are also relying on the candidate’s experience to offer opportunities, and if they are not academically qualified, those organisations either provide the chance to get that qualification or ignore the lack of a certificate.

Does that mean you should not consider obtaining a certificate in your discipline? Not exactly. The difference is that certificate alone may not make you a star candidate, but what you gather during studying for qualifications and certifications may support your work. Another tip is to enrol in degrees and programmes that offer enough practical experience so that when you look for IT job opportunities in Sri Lanka, you will indeed be perfect for the perfect job you seek.



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